Revive historical images: AI images of Fydor Dostoyevsky

There are a lot of AI models for creating images. Some of them are free (or almost free), most of them offer some tokens (means a limited number of generated responses), other offer just premium access.

Here you find some AI images of Fyodor Dostoyevsky generated and edited with some AI models. Most of them was generated with Skylar, but you find a complete list in the image in the end of this article.

All images are part of Possible Portraits series, hosted by Wansait ( The series try to generate images for dozens of old time writers. On website: Homer, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Lord Byron, Agatha Christie, Jules Verne, Balzac, Goethe, Dante, Ovid, Virginia Woolf, EA Poe, and more.

Here are the gallery with AI generated photos of Dostoyevsky:

List of AI models used in Possible Photos series:

(available for download or online use)


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